Newark Cylinders Featured in Heating & Plumbing Monthly

Newark Cylinders and Heating & Plumbing Monthly

We are pleased to share that Newark Cylinders are featured in the November 2023 issue of Heating and Plumbing Monthly (HPM).

Recognized as the “go-to” magazine in the industry, HPM is revered for its insightful coverage of topics crucial to the heating and plumbing sector. The current issue, dedicated to addressing the critical issue of reliable water and heating supply, delves into a comprehensive exploration of boilers, smart controls, and hot water cylinders.

As a company committed to providing top-notch solutions in the field, Newark Cylinders was delighted to offer our expertise in comparing bespoke and standard hot water cylinders. The article sheds some light on the advantages and considerations associated with each type of cylinder.

You can read our full article on page 40.

If you are looking for a bespoke hot water cylinder, feel free to get in touch with our sales team or make an enquiry.

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